5 minute read
How do we usher in God's Kingdom? In this article, James Aubrey encourages us in one of the Kingdom of God's primary activities.
6 minute read
The Book of Psalms: Teeming with life, truth, honesty and truth. Here's some top tips from James Aubrey on how to get the most out of them and how to allow them to bring the best out of you.
5 minute read
"This Kingdom we’re a part of, like the leaven, totally permeates and incredibly transforms everything it touches. And unlike my sourdough bread, the result is always amazing. And it’s equally amazing that God has designed for us to be involved..."
4 minute read
God takes His time. Like yeast in dough, His Kingdom grows slowly but surely. Dave encourages us not to underestimate your everyday actions. God's love through you is making a difference, even if it takes time.
6 minute read
If you have everything taken away from you, what do you have left? If you're stranded on an island, what do you still have? Find out as James asks this very question.
7 minute read
In this, the final article in our Ephesians series, Bethan Jones takes us through Ephesians 4:31-32 and the power of forgiveness, and how that is outworked in our lives.
4 minute read
As the 'In Christ' series draws to a close, Kier Adams looks ahead to the launch of season 3 of the church podcast, We Could Be Heroes. What does a hero need? A costume. What has God given to us, His people? Armour!
7 minute read
Roger shares with us practical ways that we can all mind our language and allow only wholesome talk to come from our lips.
7 minute read
When the Apostle Paul tells us to put on the new self, what does he mean, and how can we do that? Well, James Aubrey helpfully explains this phrase in light of our new identity in Christ and gives us practical steps we can do to walk in that.
5 minute read
Part One: This Good Friday let’s take the opportunity to survey the humility of the cross. Take a long look at our God who willingly gave His life for our ransom. Where the stories around us would take our gaze away from the reality of that cross, we look to Him there. We bow our knees at the feet of the one crucified
5 minute read
What does it mean to imitate Christ, and what does it require? Dave takes us through Ephesians 5, looking at the truth that we were born to imitate Jesus in this life.
3 minute read
God's plan is that the church moves towards maturity in Christ. In this article, James highlights some key aspects of God's grace and provision that enable the people of God to get there.
4 minute read
What was the Apostle Paul's go to activity in life? When times were good, when times got tough, what did he do? Well, read on and find out not only what Paul did, but what is available for us, also.
4 minute read
James Aubrey takes us through the latter portion of Ephesians 2, examining it through the perspective of Christ, His sacrificial work on the cross, and the profound implications this holds for the Church.
6 minute read
As we continue on our 'In Christ' teaching series Kier shines a spotlight on the first half of Ephesians 2 and the before and after it presents of our life with Christ.
5 minute read
From the rich tapestry of blessings woven through the book of Genesis to the steadfast faith exemplified by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, discover how living in spiritual abundance shapes our response to life's trials.
6 minute read
What does it mean that God is summing all things up in Christ? Well, Dave Patterson shares with us on the first verses of Ephesians chapter one and how the future reality of God's Kingdom has a big big impact on our present lives.
4 minute read
A member of All Nations Church encourages us with her many layered testimony on finances, and how God was teaching her to trust Him fully with her needs.
5 minute read
James brilliantly introduces us to Ephesians, the letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Church in Ephesus, and encourages us to dive in to this book of the Bible in as many ways as possible.
4 minute read
In Christ: A phrase used by the Apostle Paul over 20 times in his letter to the Ephesians alone, and more in the rest of his letters. James Aubrey, in his latest article introduces us to the coming series of articles that focus on this powerful phrase, and run alongside our current Sunday sermon series of the same title.
3 minute read
As we head into the New Year Kier reminds us of the hope of Christ's victory on the cross and a fresh promise for the year to come.
5 minute read
The Bible is the most incredible story book in existence, allowing our imaginations to run wild, not by making things up that didn't happen, but by diving into the greatest stories ever told. James Aubrey encourages us to fall in love with reading the Word of God all over again.
5 minute read
"Let me tell you a story from a few years back, during a time when I was waiting for God’s miracle to happen in my life."
7 minute read
When Jesus said, 'follow me and I will make you...' what did he intend? Dave shows us the truth of discipleship through craft-knowledge and how it is important to be present with our teacher if we are to grow and learn.
7 minute read
Jesus perfectly demonstrated the beauty and truth of discipleship. In this article James looks at what Jesus meant when He told us that His yoke is easy.
5 minute read
What are you waiting for? Well, in this powerful article Renee encourages us to wait well for what God is doing and has promised to do. Read, be encouraged and wait well.
5 minute read
The hispanic church in Adamsdown is experiencing God do great things as we continue to work into the Spanish speaking communities of Cardiff. Read through Pedro's report of what God is doing.
2 minute read
What do we see in the example of Jesus that we can learn from? Be inspired by poignant words set in a beautiful poem by Tom Clarke.
5 minute read
It's not enough to just talk about our faith, it must be put into practice. This timely message from James encourages each one of us to do just that - run, don't just talk about it.
3 minute read
The Holy Spirit is doing something significant in these days. Read the encouragement from Carol Jones to be ready to catch his wave as it comes, not get caught unaware and unprepared!
4 minute read
Whether we run on ahead or sometimes lag behind, Kier shares the invitation from God to allow him to set the pace of our lives.
6 minute read
In this week's blog, Dave Patterson takes you back in time almost 1500 years to the wild and windy island of Hibernia, to listen to the story of an unsuspecting group of Christians who, through radical obedience and incredible bravery, reached an entire continent with the Gospel.
4 minute read
Why does God gives us His Holy Spirit, and how much of His Spirit has He given us? Find out as Kier shares the meaning behind one of his favourite words in the Bible.
7 minute read
What does Bryan Adams and Jeff Buckley have to do with growing in maturity in God? Find out as James shares some memories from summers gone by and how God used them to transform his life.
6 minute read
In the final part of his series series on the Holy Spirit, Roger Aubrey shows us what it means to experience the Holy Spirit by being filled with Him.
7 minute read
What does experiencing the Holy Spirit look like? If He is a person, we can know Him. How does the Bible show us that this is a reality?
7 minute read
In part 1 of this 3-part series Roger Aubrey answers the question, Who is the Holy Spirit?
6 minute read
It’s clear from the pages of Acts that God loves collaboration; he loves to see people working together. Teamwork is at the heart of God’s work. James Aubrey shares his insights into the power of teamwork in the book of Acts.
8 minute read
What does it mean to have fellowship with the Holy Spirt? Fellowship is not just a cheesy Christian word that your parents used to use, it is a powerful and significant word that calls us deeper! Find out why in this article.
7 minute read
Dave Patterson reflects on a recent visit from our good friend and recognised evangelist, Arne Skagen.
5 minute read
What do you do when what you were expecting doesn't arrive? Do you give up, do you try a new technique to get what you want? Fortunately the Bible helps us answer this question and it's a very simple answer!
5 minute read
Thunderstorms, floods and tornadoes - we call these acts of God. But what if we were wrong?
7 minute read
The celebrations of Easter may be over for another year, but James shares with us why for us we can go on celebrating the reason for Easter each and every day.
5 minute read
What part do lawnmowers and bags of coffee have to play in the great adventures of the Kingdom of God? Kier shares with us some insights from his almost decade as part of All Nations Church.
8 minute read
'For Paul, the author of great swathes of the New Testament and arguably the most influential figure in Christianity after the Lord Jesus Christ, the future was characterised by hope. A confident expectation of future good. A hope of glory, he said to the Colossians. A hope that neither disappoints nor puts us to shame. Bob Marley and the Wailers once sang, “everything’s gonna be alright.” Paul tells the Christian that, because of our hope in God, it will be.'
5 minute read
Dave Patterson updates us on what is happening in and through the student & young adult ministry at All Nations Church
3 minute read
This year God told us he is calling us to a future joy. Are we ready to position ourselves to receive it and give up what we know in order to step into what he has for us?