The Kingdom of God
5 minute read
How do we usher in God's Kingdom? In this article, James Aubrey encourages us in one of the Kingdom of God's primary activities.
5 minute read
"This Kingdom we’re a part of, like the leaven, totally permeates and incredibly transforms everything it touches. And unlike my sourdough bread, the result is always amazing. And it’s equally amazing that God has designed for us to be involved..."
4 minute read
God takes His time. Like yeast in dough, His Kingdom grows slowly but surely. Dave encourages us not to underestimate your everyday actions. God's love through you is making a difference, even if it takes time.
6 minute read
If you have everything taken away from you, what do you have left? If you're stranded on an island, what do you still have? Find out as James asks this very question.
7 minute read
When the Apostle Paul tells us to put on the new self, what does he mean, and how can we do that? Well, James Aubrey helpfully explains this phrase in light of our new identity in Christ and gives us practical steps we can do to walk in that.
3 minute read
God's plan is that the church moves towards maturity in Christ. In this article, James highlights some key aspects of God's grace and provision that enable the people of God to get there.
6 minute read
What does it mean that God is summing all things up in Christ? Well, Dave Patterson shares with us on the first verses of Ephesians chapter one and how the future reality of God's Kingdom has a big big impact on our present lives.
3 minute read
The Holy Spirit is doing something significant in these days. Read the encouragement from Carol Jones to be ready to catch his wave as it comes, not get caught unaware and unprepared!
7 minute read
The celebrations of Easter may be over for another year, but James shares with us why for us we can go on celebrating the reason for Easter each and every day.
5 minute read
What part do lawnmowers and bags of coffee have to play in the great adventures of the Kingdom of God? Kier shares with us some insights from his almost decade as part of All Nations Church.
3 minute read
This year God told us he is calling us to a future joy. Are we ready to position ourselves to receive it and give up what we know in order to step into what he has for us?